Membership Guidelines


Following are the criteria for membership, such as eligibility requirements, dues (if any), and the rights and responsibilities of members:-

  • Membership shall be open to all university students after paying a nominal fee.
  • Membership fee will be Rs.100/- (in figures) and ONE HUNDRED RUPEES ONLY/- (in words) per academic year/session students (UG/PG/PhD) belonging to the Central University of Jharkhand.
  • Membership fee will be Rs.100/- (in figures) and ONE HUNDRED RUPEES ONLY/- (in words) per academic year/session for the faculty/teaching/non-teaching staff for the Central University of Jharkhand.
  • Those persons who are not students of CUJ during the current session or alumni of CUJ can also become members after paying a nominal amount of Rs.100/- (in figures) and ONE HUNDRED RUPEES ONLY/- (in words) per academic year/session.
  • An individual shall become a new member of “THE ENERGIEA” after paying the given amount of fee a signing up for the application form.
  • The membership of an applicant shall be confirmed by the chairperson and the board members.
  • All the members of “THE ENERGIEA” shall be treated fairly regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, financial situation or disability.

Bank Account Details:-

  • Account Holder Name: THE ENERGIEA
  • Account Number: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK
  • Account Number: 7277000100002332
  • IFSC: PUNB0727700
  • Branch: Central University of Jharkhand, Cheri-Manatu
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